Directions in Spanish
If you are unsure where to go while traveling around the wonderful cities of the spanish speaking countries, you should have some basic vocab under your belt. Yes, you can ask in English, but it is polite to ask in the native language. Or ask, Habla ingles? Do you speak English?
Some basic vocab
Excuse me (formal)
Young man
Good Morning
Buenos días
Good Afternoon
Buenas Tardes
Good Evening
Buenas noches
Thank you very much
Muchas gracias
The building
El edificio
The hotel
El hotel
The street
La calle
The museum
El museo
El centro
Train station
La estación de tren
The car
El carro
El taxi
The intersection
La intersección
The stop sign
La señal de pare
The traffic lights
El semáforo
The traffic
El tráfico
To the left
A la izquierda
To the right
A la derecha
A derecho
To turn (turn, command)
Doblar (doble)
To continue (continue, command)
Continuar (continue)
To start (start, command)
Empezar (empienze)
To stop (stop, command)
Terminar (termine)
Al lado de…
Next to …
La salida
El destinacion
To go
Ir (vaya command)
To cross (cross, comman)
Cruzar (cruze)
Cross the street
Cruze la calle
Turn left/right here
Doble a la izquierda/derecha aquí
Continue until the end of the street
Continue hasta el final de la calle
I’m lost
Estoy perdido/a
How far is the…
Como tan lejos esta el/la …
What is the best way to go to the …
Cuál es la mejor forma de ir a
Can you repeat that please?
¿Lo puedes repetir por favor?
Can you say it again?
¿Lo puedes decir otra vez por favor?
Try to read aloud to yourself or find a buddy to go through the learning process with. Focus your pronunciation and reach for words you know and then string them together. I have learned from experience learning languages that it definitely takes time.
I have been working on it for 5 years now and I am certainly not fluent yet. I wish I was. Like any language it is very hard to master the Spanish accent. The roll on your r’s and the silent letters. I promise you once you can gather enough vocabulary in your head, you will be able to say or write way more than you thought you could.
I would definitely recommend listening to some Spanish music. That has helped me so much through my learning journey. Find an artist that you like and just listen to the words go by. Pick out words you know and words that sound familiar to you. It’s very strange the first couple times; the song will seem really really fast and then you will just hear a word that you know and it just kind of slows down for a minute. English doesn’t seem fast because we are so used to it, but to a foreign person, it would.
You can go to my other page for more information with artists and song that I would recommend to a beginner language learner.
My personal favourite artist is Alvaro Soler. I really enjoy his music and I like that it is a good song but also slow enough that I can start to understand and sing along.
El Mismo Sol
Amor para llevar
No te entiendo